[nycphp-talk] PHP Becoming JAVA?

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Wed Sep 1 11:56:45 EDT 2004

Isn't this typical of the "programmer vs. implementer" debate? Those who 
view themselves as professional programmers seek to advance the academic 
quality of the language (those aspects which suffer criticisms, such as 
scalability,  "enterprise robustness" , etc) while those who build stuff 
that does work seek simplicity, stability, and the maturation of 
toolsets. A relative handful of people are in the middle, and hey are 
usually involved in developing the language.

A woman sees her friend spending alot of time with a new companion, and 
says "is he Mr. Right?" to which her friend replies, "he's Mr. Right Now".

In my view PHP has always been "Mr. right now" - the tool to get the job 
done. For such implementors, time till reveal if PHP5 continues to serve 
the community -- it will have to be a better tool for the job, be 
available on hosting services, be simple enough/reliable enough, etc. 
For those seeking to advance the professionalism of their programming, 
to replace java, or to achieve what PHP has not been able to achieve 
before, there is opportunity for active involvement in the development 
of PHP. Loyalty to the language sans active involvement in its 
development will lead to frustration, for sure.

I see plenty of PHP programmers migrating to python.

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