[nycphp-talk] Best recommendations for SWF -> PHP -> SWF

corey szopinski corey at
Tue Sep 7 17:54:06 EDT 2004


If you move forward with building your PHP CMA, I¹d suggest that you use
make some allowances for outputting the content into XML. That way, when you
get the fla¹s, you can pull that content in. On the other hand, if you have
to ³fail-over² to html, you could run the same xml into a xslt processor and
output normal html (or even a .doc or .pdf if you needed to).

Another simple solution would be to build your CMA as class-based, and use
arrays to output data. For example, if you build a News object,
³$news->getArticle(5)² could output the headline, dateline, author and
content into one big array. Then you use that array in a normal php/html
page, or an xml down the road.


On 9/7/04 5:47 PM, "Phillip Powell" <phillip.powell at> wrote:

> corey szopinski wrote:
>> >Phil-
>> >
>> >I think you¹re best bet is to have your SWF¹s pull content in at runtime
>> >using XML or loadVars (urlencoded name/value pairs). Putting PHP into a SWF
>> >doesn't make much sense since the server won¹t parse PHP unless it¹s a text
>> >file with a .php extension.
>> >
>> >I also think you¹ll find that decompiling .swfs is not an exact science. In
>> >fact, I¹d be surprised if anyone has decompiled a swf into a usable FLA. You
>> >might get away with pulling AS out as Yury suggested, but the simplest
>> >answer is to get the original FLA¹s, tweak them to pull in content at
>> >runtime, then output clean swfs.
>> >  
>> >
> That was my initial idea, considering the original web designer has the
> original .fla files (I hope), however, he has, to date, not contacted
> any of us (he hasn't contacted the customer in months and won't return
> phone calls nor emails apparently), so there might not be any way to
> obtain the original .fla files as I would like.  And my knowledge of
> loadVars is 0.00%, XML only slightly more so, so for the sake of
> expediency I felt it be best for me for now to build a PHP CMA that
> would allow for extraction of dynamic data into usable external files
> for inclusion by the modified SWF files.
> Tragically, the original designer lied to the customer about the SWF's
> dynamic and scalable capabilities (he hardcoded text right into the SWF
> itself!) so this is not for me going to be an easy science to rebuild
> dynamically (customer wants the same L&F but with dynamic and
> customer-content-management capabilities).
> But cool, I won't have to decompile the SWF files, *whew* thanx!
> Phil
>> >We use this architecture quite a bit (look at the homepage for
>> >an example). You¹ll see that most of the content is held in external text or
>> >xml docs. The ³shell² has the loader and the graphics, but the dynamic
>> >content is loaded separately.
>> >
>> >Hope that helps.
>> >
>> >-corey
>> >
>> >
>> >On 9/7/04 5:32 PM, "Phillip Powell" <phillip.powell at> wrote:
>> >
>> >  
>> >
>>> >>Yury Rush wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>    
>>> >>
>>>> >>>You need something to rip the AS out -- yes possible.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>You can edit it ( add the php right inside it ) then publish to swf.
>>>> >>> 
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>      
>>>> >>>
>>> >>Would I actually publish back to swf?  That would be very impractical
>>> >>since the customer wants the ability to edit and delete text on the fly,
>>> >>in short, a CMA.  He wants to edit things like news, events, etc. and be
>>> >>able to see the changes immediately upon his Flash-encoded website pages.
>>> >>
>>> >>That's why I wanted to ask first before going down the wrong direction.
>>> >>
>>> >>Phil
>>> >>    
>>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Corey Szopinski
>> >Technology Director
>> >   
>> >corey at
>> >55 Washington St. Suite 822
>> >Brooklyn, NY 11201
>> >212.920.8135  x116
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >_______________________________________________
>> >New York PHP Talk
>> >Supporting AMP Technology (Apache/MySQL/PHP)
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >  
>> >
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---
> Phil Powell
> Multimedia Programmer
> BPX Technologies, Inc.
> #: (703) 709-7218 x107
> Fax: (703) 709-7219
> _______________________________________________
> New York PHP Talk
> Supporting AMP Technology (Apache/MySQL/PHP)


Corey Szopinski
Technology Director
corey at
55 Washington St. Suite 822
Brooklyn, NY 11201
212.920.8135  x116 

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