[nycphp-talk] Best recommendations for SWF -> PHP -> SWF

Nathan Lavertue nd at
Thu Sep 9 10:41:32 EDT 2004 - Gordon is an application which
can decompile an .swf (or thereabouts). I've used it on a few
projects of mine. However, Mitch makes a good point, using
Flash developer would allow  you to make changes to the new
version of the document with the possibilities for future

On a side note... where the heck have these Flash developers
gone?  A little over a year ago they couldn't get any work...
now they can't be found. Weird.

... sorry for the delay to the conversation.
nd lavertue // .flash.soldier/pixel.terrorist.
................... //
ph. 001.917.340.3013 [M]
ph. 001.212.833.8486 [W]

--/ Mitch Pirtle
> On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 10:26:43 -0400, Phillip Powell
> <phillip.powell at> wrote:
>> Cool just a terminology issue, that I can deal with.  Thanx..
>> I'll have
>> to take a crash course in ActionScript I believe, along with
>> finding a
>> free (open source?) Flash decompiler since the client nor
>> myself can
>> reach the original web designer with the .fla files.
> Sounds like yet another web developer that deserves a visit
> from
> cousin Vinny and his aluminum baseball bat, and Vinny don't
> like
> baseball, knowhatimean?
> *sigh*
> A smart solution could be to bring in another Flash designer to
> recreate the original, but tell them that they will need to
> include
> external variables in their version to accommodate the updating
> text.
> That way you have something to work with, and is much more
> attractive
> than a shot in the dark at reverse engineering a binary that
> lacks the
> functionality your client needs anyway.
> Just reviewed SAMS' "Flash MX Professional 2004 UNLEASHED"
> (ISBN:
> 0-672-32606-X), and can say that the 300-plus pages dedicated
> to
> ActionScript 2.0 are an excellent reference on the subject.
> -- Mitch
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> New York PHP Talk
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