[nycphp-talk] [OT] Unlimited Free Gmail accounts - if you know this trick!

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Sat Sep 11 16:19:17 EDT 2004

6 more posts today about gmail.. all off-topic, none of them marked as [OT].

This list will deteriorate rapidly if the quality isn't maintained, and 
posting chit chat about gmail is not ON TOPIC for PHP-talk.

Brian O'Connor |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

>I completely agree.  I came home from school today, checked my E-Mail,
>and there was about 5 different replies to one original thread all
>marked with different [OT] tags, meaning they did not properly log
>into the Gmail conversation system.
>On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 00:27:58 -0400, Jeff Knight <jeff.knight at> wrote:
>>Should I change my underwear before I post? What if it is clean, but
>>has the wrong day of the week embroidered on the back?
>>Seriosly though, shouldn't offtopic posts just simply go to another list?
>>On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 00:19:47 -0400, inforequest
>><sm11szw02 at> wrote:
>>>Hi guys.
>>>I have been documenting the NYPHP lists configuration,  and preparing a
>>>FAQ page on setting Mozilla/Firefox mail filters. If you set your
>>>filters correctly, your inbox stays sorted by list, with [OT] posts in a
>>>subfolder of the list folder.
>>>The past day or so has seen a large number of OFF TOPIC posts to
>>>NYPHP-Talk (which is fine I guess) but they have been mis-labeled. Some
>>>have properly included [OT] at the start of the subject, but others have
>>>used [ot], _OT_ and  OT .
>>>In order to keep the list "clean" and manageable, can we please try and
>>>mark your off-topic posts using [OT] at the *start* of the subject line?
>>>Thanks.   -=john andrews
>>>New York PHP Talk
>>>Supporting AMP Technology (Apache/MySQL/PHP)

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