[nycphp-talk] gmail

Susan Shemin susan_shemin at
Sat Sep 11 17:12:59 EDT 2004

I checked out the Gmail FAQs and saw they say that the email message is private between sender and receiver.  I may be a suspicious person, but that may change as people learn how to manipulate the technology.
Also, there is a central computer scanning the message to display advertisements.  Goggle compares it to other email services that scans for viruses, etc., but Goggle goes one crucial step further needing to save the scan to do a compare to find a "targeted" ad.
"Google scans the text of Gmail messages in order to filter spam and detect viruses, just as all major webmail services do. Google also uses this scanning technology to deliver targeted text ads and other related information. This is completely automated and involves no humans."   and
"Google believes that showing relevant advertising offers more value to users than displaying random pop-ups or untargeted banner ads. In Gmail, users will see text ads and links to related pages that are relevant to the content of their messages."
You know, spyware does the same thing...  Anyway, the last thing I want is MORE ads--targeted or otherwise!  Yahoo gives an ad at the top of the screen, and it's gone as I scroll down.
Thanks for the invite, though, and, John, sorry for the extra work my post caused :)

John Lacey <jlacey at> wrote:Susan Shemin wrote:
> Alright, question from a new member... 
> What is this gmail the list has been talking about and what are its 
> benefits?
> Susan

this may help

and I've sent you an invite for a gmail account...


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