[nycphp-talk] [OT] Unlimited Free Gmail accounts - if you know this trick!

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Sat Sep 11 20:05:12 EDT 2004

Joseph Crawford |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

>so let me ask this, if you are sick of OT posts about gmail, why would
>you create a new one like this rather than reply to one that is
>already started?

It was a reply. That's why it had "Re:" in the subject line.

>Sorry i dont mean to be rude, but why complain if you are going to do
>this yourself...
>I must admin i was the one to start the gmail thread, i will not post
>anything else about gmail because it looks like people are mangling
>the headers or changing the subjects to make things crazy.

I believe it was the Presdient and founder of NYPHP who posted this 
recently regarding OT posts:

>...To everyone on the list
>I apologize for starting this thread it seems to have done nothing
>more than cause problems ;)

It's not my decision, it's a collective decision for everyone making up 
the PHP-Talk list community. If the community wants this  list to become 
a generic "this has nothing to do with PHP but I think it's cool and 
worth chatting about" then so be it...  and I and others who seek high 
signal PHP content will go to such as perhaps or or or
or these or any of a dozen or so others.

-=john  andrews

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