[nycphp-talk] inserting text in an image and highlighting a line

Brian Pang bpang at
Mon Sep 13 10:11:53 EDT 2004

I would go about this eitheir by determining the area that needed to be
highlighted and merging a highlight image into that space prior to
placing the letters (your "font" is actually made up of a bunch of
images, right?)

or create another font which has the highlight already.
This would probably be easier, but I don't know how you're populating
the text.

> I'd like to be able to automatically 'highlight' some lines of text
> to this image
> Not sure how to go about it - would I need to 'embed' image(s) for the
> highlight before putting the text on?  Or possibly someone else has
> done/seen something like this where it is straight php code.  I won't know
> where on the page the highlight is to go before run-time.

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