[nycphp-talk] inserting text in an image and highlighting a line

Sharon Luke sluk5760 at
Mon Sep 13 19:28:25 EDT 2004

Thanks Brian.

I am taking a copy of an existing image for the background, then using
imagefttext to insert each line of text into it using a font and text
specified by the client.  Creating a new font would be a problem as the
client has a set of fonts they wish to choose from on the fly when putting
up content.  Probably the first idea is better, however I wish to make it
look like a hand drawn line has been put through it with a thick marker pen.

Maybe a highlight image divided into end points and middle section which I
can lengthen as needed.  I might try that to start with.


Brian replied...
>I would go about this eitheir by determining the area that needed to be
highlighted and merging a >highlight image into that space prior to placing
the letters (your "font" is actually made up of a >bunch of images, right?)

>or create another font which has the highlight already.
>This would probably be easier, but I don't know how you're populating the

Sharon asked...
> I'd like to be able to automatically 'highlight' some lines of text
Similar to this image

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