[nycphp-talk] Re: is PHP a good choice for automatic network monitoring?

Meitar Moscovitz meitarm at
Tue Sep 14 18:18:46 EDT 2004

Corey wrote,
> I¹m not positive that this idea will work in a CLI-only environment, but
> I¹ve had very good luck with a service from To get around the
> rolling DHCP ip issue, this service let¹s you use a DNS entry as a sort of
> proxy. On the client (Mac & Windows for sure), a small daemon or service
> periodically sends out the ip address (I think there¹s a reverse ping or
> something) to They handle the DNS->IP mapping on their end. I¹ve
> had it set up and running for a couple of years on various computers and it
> works nicely.
> -corey

Yes, Mr. Krook suggested the same thing. Thank you, too for the
suggestion.  :)  I'm going to look into these services.

At the risk of being slightly off-topic, is there any reason why I
would choose one (, for instance) over another (say DynDNS?).
Both of these companies are doing the same exact thing, right? I'm
assuming the niceness of their techs and their level of helpful
customer support will be the main differences between these services.
Any good existing reviews of these services on the Web would also be
helpful (though I plan to google that anyway).

Joel wrote,
> You could pretty easy write something like this to connect to a php
> webpage that just logs the ip if that is what you are looking for(?)..

Ah, that's another idea. But for that, I would need to have a server
on the Internet to begin with.

> If you need to configure a router automatically, look at the program
> called "expect"(*).. It ships with a handy utility called
> "autoexpect"(**) that you can run to capture a session, though the file
> usually needs a little bit of editing.
> If you have good trust relationships (and hosts.deny/host.allow) set up.
> You can look at doing no-username/pass ssh. You can do that by creating
> a (poke around in ssh-keygen) and then place them in a file
> on the host your want to connect to called ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 (the
> key starts with ssh-dss and the user is the same as you will connect
> with) authorized_keys will also need the contents of your
> This just make shell scripts act like they are working on your local
> machine it also makes doing sweeping changes across a trust-network a
> breeze. (*ssh*)
> -joeldg
> *)
> **)
> *ssh*)
> joeldg - developer, Intercosmos media group.

Thanks for these resources. I don't expect (no pun intended) that I'll
need to do anything like this for my rather simplistic purposes (all I
want to do is get access to the remote machine despite it's IP address
changing all the time) but they are nevertheless getting bookmarked.

Best regards,

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