[nycphp-talk] TODAY! NY Linux Users Grp: Steven Branigan -on- Intruder/Crime Forensics

Ron Guerin ron at
Wed Sep 15 14:50:06 EDT 2004

RSVP by 4pm if possible.

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: John Bacall <john at>
To: NYLUG Announcements <nylug-announce at>
Subject: [nylug-announce] TOMORROW! NY Linux Users Grp. 15 September Meeting: Steven Branigan -on- Intruder/Crime Forensics
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 09:45:00 -0400

September 15, 2004
IBM Headquarters Building
590 Madison Avenue at 57th Street
12th Floor, home to the IBM Linux Center of Competency

** RSVP Instructions **
    Unless you have already rsvp'ed for a prior meeting, everyone
    should RSVP to attend.
    Check in with photo ID at the lobby for badge and room number.

                      Steven Branigan (
                         Intruder/Crime Forensics

   This Wednesday, September 15 we will have our version of docu-drama,
   "A walk through some high tech crimes." Steven Branigan, a computing,
   networking systems' forensic specialist will enthrall us with a few of
   the cases he and a forensic team worked on as part of the New York
   Electronic Crimes Task Force (NYECTF). Steven will share the lessons
   he learned and the insights he has gleaned, and will pass on, to this
   meeting's attendees. Quote Bob Weaver, United States Secret Service .

     Task forces, in general, are not a new concept to law enforcement,
     and have been with us for some time. What makes the NYECTF so
     unique is the diversity of our membership and the personal, trusted
     relationships that develop between our members. Today, the task
     force consists of over 250 individual members representing federal,
     state and local law enforcement, the private sector, and academia.
     Our members include the largest financial services,
     telecommunications, and technology companies in the country. It
     also includes computer science specialists from 18 different
     universities. Among these partners, most of whom are strong
     competitors in the consumer marketplace, there is an unprecedented
     sharing of expertise, information and proven solutions, all of
     which have been employed in our common mission to prevent the
     disabling or compromise of critical systems and infrastructure.

   Gives an insight to the role of the NYECTF, and our speaker's
   background. Steven is also an author, his I.T. forensic book is
   entitled, "High-Tech Crimes Revealed: Cyberwar Stories from the
   Digital Front," via Addison Wesley Press. One of our esteemed book

  Book Description:

   Stories about hacking, stolen credit card numbers, computer viruses,
   and identity theft are all around us, but what do they really mean to
   us? The goal of this book, quite simply, is to help educate people on
   the issues with high-tech crimes. "High-Tech Crimes Revealed: Cyberwar
   Stories from the Digital Front" demystifies the risks and realities of
   high-tech crimes. Demystifying these crimes and raising the awareness
   of users of technology will make people smarter and safer, and that
   will make all of us safer in the long run. Steven Branigan shares the
   inside details on real cases he worked on in his various roles in
   law-enforcement, information technology, and security. The result is a
   comprehensive, accessible look at how digital crimes are discovered,
   what techniques the criminals use and why, and (in some cases) how
   they can be brought to justice. Inside, you'll find extensive
   information on Actual hacker investigations, including the harm caused
   and how the criminals were tracked and caught, plus the ins and outs
   of identity theft, a rapidly growing crime with potential for serious
   damage. Use of criminology and hacker psychology to detect and deter
   attacks. The risks associated with various technologies Do's and
   Don'ts for high-tech criminal investigations. This easily
   understandable book will take you beyond hearing about high-tech
   crimes to actually understanding how and why they happen--and what can
   be done to protect yourself.

  For More Information Visit (see

     * "High-Tech Crimes Revealed: Cyberwar Stories from the Digital
     * NYECTF
     * Steven Branigan Web Site

  About Steven Branigan:

   Steven Branigan is President and Founder of CyanLine LLC. CyanLine
   specializes in helping corporations successfully deploy wireless
   networks securely, drawing on his 15+ years of experience in fields of
   computer science and forensics. He is internationally recognized as an
   expert in computer security, and has testified before Congress,
   qualified as an expert witness for the government and has lectured on
   network security issues to N.A.T.O., the US Department of Justice and
   the US Secret Service.

   He has just released "High-Tech Crimes Revealed: Cyberwar Stories from
   the Digital Front", detailing the issues real businesses faced with
   computer crimes. In addition to being a founding member of the NY
   Electronic Crimes task force with Bob Weaver, Branigan worked as a
   Senior Manager with Bill Cheswick in Bell Labs Computing and Network
   Research, and together they subsequently founded Lumeta Corporation.
   In his spare time, he is pursuing his MBA at Columbia University.
   Steven's Web site is at .

Free Stuff!
    Swag of undetermined value and quantity may be distributed on a
    first-come, first-served basis. Arrive early for the best selection.

    GPG cryptography. Immediately after the presentation and continuing
    at Stammtisch we will be gathering for a keysigning. For those who
    already have keys, please remember to bring paper printouts of your
    40-character key fingerprint, as per the instructions in our howto
    docs. If you haven't created a key yet, and for keysigning details,
    our howto docs are a must read.

    After the meeting ... Join us around 8:30pm or so at TGI Friday's,
    located at 677 Lexington Avenue and 56th Street, second floor.
    Northeast corner.

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