[nycphp-talk] register_shutdown_function & parameter passing

Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg adam at
Fri Sep 17 17:18:19 EDT 2004

On Fri, 17 Sep 2004, Fan, Wellington wrote:

> Is there any way one can pass parameters to the function registered by
> 'register_shutdown_function()'?

No, because you never know when it's going to be called.

> See, I was thinking that I need a way to 'lock' a resource for the duration
> af a script. I'd insert a record into a locking table with a unique userId,
> then the unlock function would be registered via
> register_shutdown_function(), THOUGH it would need the userID....

You may get in trouble here because if there's a fatal error, I don't
believe PHP will actually call any shutdown functions, but will just
abort ASAP.


adam at
author of o'reilly's "upgrading to php 5" and "php cookbook"
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