[nycphp-talk] Publishing on the New York PHP website

Tim Gales tgales at
Sun Sep 26 11:36:27 EDT 2004

Joseph Crawford writes:

> One thing i may think is stopping people from contributing is 
> that it is not very easy to contribute, i think you should 
> have the information easilly findable on the NYPHP site, and 
> maybe an online form for submitting stuff. 

Jasper is working on just that (an online form).

Get in touch with him. I am sure he would 
welcome any ideas you may have -- 
an offer to help might be even better. 

(sorry about the bad email address: jasper.lin at 

You can also get in touch with Mike or Jeff 
(see prev. post for addresses)

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'


Also please edit your replies 
(you don't need to resend the 
 whole thread of posts)

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