[nycphp-talk] Publishing on the New York PHP website

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Sun Sep 26 21:06:53 EDT 2004

Joseph Crawford |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>you should start up a code example section on the NYPHP site, where
>people can submit examples etc.. like on
>i post all of my stuff there but if i could contribute to NYPHP as
>well it would be nice.

I think sharing code examples is a great idea.

I would think NYPHP is in a unique position for peer-reviewed 
publishing, which appears to be the intent of amppeers and 
phundamentals. In my opinion there are enough advertising-supported, 
low-barrier-to-entry publishing venues already.

My quick look at weberdev's code section tells me it is an ad-revenue 
content aggregator more than anything else (many "published" code 
examples showing several thousand views, zero feedback comments, and at 
least one interstitial ad plus one inline ad for each page view).

-=john andrews

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