[nycphp-talk] Publishing on the New York PHP website

Hans Zaunere hans at
Sun Sep 26 13:58:52 EDT 2004

> you should start up a code example section on the NYPHP site, where
> people can submit examples etc.. like on
> i post all of my stuff there but if i could contribute to NYPHP as
> well it would be nice.

I'd love to but unfortunately don't have the time over the next few
months.  That said, it doesn't mean someone else can't get it going :)

Jasper has done great work on the AMPeers, and someone could easily add
a code post area to it.  If you're interested in getting involved,
subscribe to the NYPHP-Org list ( and let
yourself be heard.  We are fairly organized these days and if someone
has a little initiative stuff will get done.


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