[nycphp-talk] Publishing on the New York PHP website

Joseph Crawford codebowl at
Sun Sep 26 22:06:31 EDT 2004

before anyone says anything i know i should not be doing this because
it is directed towards one person but...


i attempted to email you directly and got this.

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

   hans at

Technical details of failure:
PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 10): 550 <hans at>: User
unknown in virtual alias table

so here is the previous email
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if i were to take on the code samples project, would i have to follow
in line with someone else's coding style such as integrating it with
some other part of the site or could i start from scratch?

i would prefer to start from scratch but find someone on the list to
also look over my code (i am not the greates when it comes to security
stuff) so that i can be sure it wont be too exploitable.

I have been venturing into PHP 5 and OOP, does the NYPHP server support PHP 5?

i would love to create a system much more feature rich than weberdev
has setup, the only reason i post there is to win stuff from thier
contests lol this may be an idea for NYPHP however i think we would
get a lot of garbage posted just for the contest for instance look at

they left that as an example of what not to submit.

i would love to talk with you either on IM or the phone about this at
some point.

I know i have not been a long term member of NYPHP nor have i been
able to attend any meetings, i joined the usergroup because there are
no UG in vermont pertaining to PHP and i dont have the knowledge nor
ambition to start one.  However in my time on the mailing list i have
been helped out numerous times and i would like to also give back to
the NYPHP community.

Granted it may take a few months to get anything finalized and ready
for the site due to time constraints (i work strictly from home
freelancing) but this is something i can take on.

Also i would like to touch on the subject of design, although i am
good with php i have not been able to master any design stuff, i mean
i know the basics of css and html however images/javascript etc.. will
be needed for this project, do you know any other NYPHP members that
may be interested in contributing to this?

Also i wanted to ask is there a list of rules for posting to the lists
i would like to read them if there are so that i dont break anymore :)
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Joseph Crawford Jr.
Codebowl Solutions
codebowl at

For a GMail account
contact me OFF-LIST

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