[nycphp-talk] PEAR DB Error

Dan Cech dcech at
Wed Apr 13 09:59:55 EDT 2005

4.3.10-10 on debian sarge w/ apache2

It's running fine now with 4.3.10-9

We're not really sure if it was a problem with the package for 4.3.10-10 
or if there is something else on the box that was conflicting with it.


Daniel Convissor wrote:
> Hey:
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 05:11:55PM -0400, Dan Cech wrote:
>>Turns out it was a serious problem with php on the box in 
>>question...backed it up a version and everything is playing nice again.
> Which version of PHP was giving you the problems?
> --Dan

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