[nycphp-talk] http analyzer

Eric Rank flakie at
Tue Aug 2 14:24:25 EDT 2005


I think you'd like Charles:

It does exactly what you're looking to do. I haven't played with it
extensively, but I believe that there's plugins for it that extend
it's usefulness. For what it's worth, I believe you'll need a plugin
to make it work with Firefox on windows. This is second hand
information though. It workls splendidly with IE.

Eric Rank

On 7/29/05, pete <credulity at> wrote:
>  I have tried using ethereal to intercept HTTP and LIVE HTTP HEADERS
> extension in firefox,  What I want to see is simply the html of a web site. 
> LIVE HTTP HEADERS does not give me the text/html of a web site and ethereal
> seems to truncate or not display  the html  after the  first packet. 
> Multi-packet perhaps in TCP.  I do not want to get bogged down in
> understanding TCP,   The data seems to be gzip compressed but again  it is
> too much work for me to figure this out thru TCP packets.
>  There must be some sort of simple free or open source utility that allows
> this.  I am currently unemployed and really can't buy software.  
>  The site that I am intercepting does a post.  I don't think that telnet
> would fit the bill either.
>  Correct me if u thin I am mistaken,
>  Thanks in advance,
>  pete

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