[nycphp-talk] FW: Is the web's love affair with PHP over?

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Fri Aug 5 10:47:04 EDT 2005

PHP rocks. But to play devil's advocate, I was at the Boston PHP meeting
last night and one person said that he would not use PHP for certain
large enterprise apps because of its lack of threading support. Not sure
what this means or if it's a valid point, but I'm sure you'll do and can

r.e. that startup. I hope it wasn't in one of the crappy vintage 2000 VC
funds that I'm in! Live and learn...

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Jeff Siegel
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 10:32 AM
To: 'NYPHP Talk'
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] FW: Is the web's love affair with PHP over?

Wow! Good story!!! Is this a "publicly available" story (i.e., is there
some website that reports this)or is this not public knowledge?


-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of edward potter
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 8:34 AM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] FW: Is the web's love affair with PHP over?

True Story:

Startup spends 3 million over 18 months trying to offer a Java solution.
Can't get it to work. PHP programmer comes in,  does 90% of the project
over the weekend. Ask VC, lets get the thing out the door.  VC says has
to be written in Java, programmer says "WTF?".  Makes no sense at all.
Why Java?  VC says,  "We heard Java was the buzz. I have zero interest
in programming languages _ as long as I can say we used "Java, Java,
Java" to our investors, I keep on getting paid."

Needless to say 3 months later they folded.  25 people out of work.

Food for thought!   :-) ed

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