[nycphp-talk] open source extranet system?

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Fri Aug 5 18:49:57 EDT 2005 |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>I want to set up an extranet system for a web development/design shop.
>Typical fare - create directories for clients and projects, password
>protected, up&down load, etc. Would be nice to use some templates,
>don't need polls and email and whatnot. Any suggestions?
Bleeding edge might be which is way cool, but has it's 
oddities, runs as a web service, and requires some new thinking about 
how we collaborate.

In a perfect web world it might be awesome... as I suppose it is for 
those lucky enough to be working with savvy clients. I've been playing 
with it but can't get past the total commitment part.

-=john andrews

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