[nycphp-talk] PHP GUI on Windows?

leam at leam at
Fri Aug 19 10:06:12 EDT 2005

Cool, thanks for the collateral reference to PHP GTK. It answers a problem that came in the mail last night.  :)

I friend wants me to write something that lets people enter data, the forms does some minor math, and then produces a printable output. Ideally the process would allow writing the data to a local file so the user could pull up old forms, edit them, and then print them again. I didn't know php-gtk existed, but am starting to try it in another window. 

Well, try to get it to work, I think. So far it doesn't look to be a robust install and the test scripts fail.  :(

But my question is, to do the above, what PHP extensions/tools would be needed? The user would tend to be non-technical, and there would be no mysql/apache; just PHP and the data files. It would need to run on Windows, from old verions to the newest.



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