[nycphp-talk] PHP GUI on Windows?

Scott Mattocks scott at
Fri Aug 19 11:22:42 EDT 2005

leam at wrote:

> Hehe...why would that be?  Okay, taking the php-gtk install issues out of the thread as I need to deal with those seperately, what tools would be required? I want to:
> 1. Create the PHP programs and extensions and have them on the CD the client gets.
> 2. I don't have any Windows compilers or PHP Zend-y type things either. What would be needed?

Try bCompiler. It is a PECL package and claims to turn PHP scripts into 
full functioning executables that don't require PHP to be installed. I 
haven't used it myself but I have heard success stories.

> 3. Is php-gtk 2.0 close enough that using PHP 5.x would be adviseable? This is a stand-alone app so I don't need to stick with PHP 4.x. Not that I mind either, but most of the web-sites I've seen are on PHP 4.x.

PHP-GTK 2.0 hasn't even had an alpha release yet (mainly because of the 
installation issues) so I wouldn't recommend using it for production 
code quite yet.

> 4. Are there old versions of windows that PHP doesn't run on? This is a serious question--many of the clients are on software that is very old. I'd not be surprised of someone had Win 95 or even Win 3.1.

I believe that future releasees will drop support for win9x.


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