[nycphp-talk] Newbie needs help - why PHP over ASP?

Joseph Crawford codebowl at
Tue Aug 23 08:26:19 EDT 2005


here are a few reasons i can think of ;)

Cross Platform (can run on windows, linux, osx, etc..)
Free to use
Syntax is GREAT (personal opinion)
Object Oriented very easy to expand in the future

ASP 3.0--
Not Cross Platform (runs only on windows, unless you get a host running 
chilisoft and that's expensive from what i hear)
You have to pay for your database (unless your site is small and can use an 
access database)
Windows hosting is usually more expensive than unix hosting
Syntax is well HORRIBLE (personal opinion)
Not Object Oriented, Not as easy to expand in the future

I guess it all comes down to whether the client is going to use ASP 3.0 (old 
style) or .NET If they are going with ASP 3.0 the above should say why PHP 
towers over ASP. However i do not have much experience with .NET aside from 
knowing the following.

Hosting costs are usually higher since it has to run on windows (unless you 
program the site in C# and run mono on a unix box) 
It's not cross platform, the database you use you will have to pay for 
(unless the site is small and can run an access database)

Comes packed with built in classes (All Object Oriented)
Can use any .NET compliant language, even mix the pages with different 
languages (VB.NET <http://VB.NET>, C#, J#, i hear delphi is working on .net 
or has released one.) When i say mix languages i know one page can use VB 
and another can use C# but as for mixing languages in one file i dont think 
you can do that.

Joseph Crawford Jr.
Codebowl Solutions, Inc.
codebowl at
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