[nycphp-talk] Connect to MSSQL Database with PHP and ADODB

Randal Rust randalrust at
Wed Dec 7 21:15:08 EST 2005

On 12/7/05, Daniel Convissor <danielc at> wrote:

> Where are you running your PHP scripts from?  If it's via the web server,
> I certainly hope the account the web server is running as doesn't have
> permission to get in.

Yes, I am running it from the webserver, which is just running locally
on my laptop.

> Regardless of the authentication mechanism, you'll need to have the users
> registerd in the SQL Server's "Logins."

Bear with me, this is my first time ever even seeing SQL server. There
is a menu item on the tree menu for the database that says 'Users.' I
tried to add a new user, and it won't let me. There are several users
already listed, so I'm assuming that I need to get a valid username
and password from the person who gave me the database.

Once I do that though, don't I still need to enable the mssql
extension in the php.ini file?

Randal Rust

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