[nycphp-talk] Connect to MSSQL Database with PHP and ADODB

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Thu Dec 8 11:19:49 EST 2005

Hi Randal:

On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 09:15:08PM -0500, Randal Rust wrote:
> is a menu item on the tree menu for the database that says 'Users.' I

The way MS SQL works is similar to MySQL.

The top level of the security system are SQL SERVER "Logins".  This 
controls who can even connect to the server.

Then at the DATABASE level, you use the "Users" section to determine which 
of the server "Logins" are allowed to connect to that particular database.

> Once I do that though, don't I still need to enable the mssql
> extension in the php.ini file?

Who said you didn't? :)


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