[nycphp-talk] Opinions Wanted: Data Management App

Kenneth Downs ken at
Wed Dec 28 18:36:55 EST 2005

> The lack of interest thus far is not so much of a concern or surprise
> for me. I should have mentioned that in fact I have done essentially no
> promotion of this project. It's therefore natural and expected that I
> don't have other people using it.  I release the code under an OS
> license as a matter of principle, but I have not invested much time or
> effort in talking it up.
> More of an issue for me in this thread is whether such a project would
> actually be useful for other people.  Are people -- the people on this
> list -- looking for an Open Source PHP package that provides a
> structured development environment for data management applications?

Well before I duck out and listen to what others have to contribute, I'll
reiteratie one point, which is that I suspect you will find out more of
its usefulness if you go for more direct promotion.  When you say to
somebody, "I think I have something that may be of use to you" and show it
to them, you find out quick whether or not you are right.  The more of it
you do, the more you find out.

Kenneth Downs
Secure Data Software
ken at
PO Box 708
East Setauket, NY 11733

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