[nycphp-talk] [ OT ] - PHP Web Hosting.. Connecting to MSSQL remotely

Joseph Crawford codebowl at
Tue Feb 8 09:01:37 EST 2005

Hello everyone,

i have been struggling with using a windows host so that i can connect
to a MSSQL remote database, i have this all working using COM to do
so, however i would really like to get away from the windows hosting

does anyone here have a host that they currently use to connect to a
MSSQL database using either FreeTDS or some other method where you can
use the mssql_* functions?

i am really tired of COM already and the support from the web host is
unbelievable. They are having problems with MMap being able to read
the file that is executing and they are telling me that i need to tell
them what configs to change in order for them to fix the problem.... 
I dunno what kind of web host will change anything a client says, nor
one that doesnt know how to setup thier own machines.

If anyone here knows of a good linux host that they have used or
currently use and CAN connect to a remote MSSQL database, please reply
to this.

We need a new host!!

Joseph Crawford Jr.
Codebowl Solutions
codebowl at

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