[nycphp-talk] Liability protection for consultants?

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Thu Feb 10 14:35:45 EST 2005

John Nunez wrote:

> So I think I will invest some time in Mambo since I also want to 
> create an online magazine with article approval system.

If you want to build a pure magazine site, then you may be interested in 
something Ive been playing with (in between Mambo that is!) which seems 
to be excellent for this kind of thing: Xaraya (

Unfortunately, Xaraya doesn't have ecommerce features yet so Im not 
using it for that. But I built a mini intranet with it and found it 
really easy to customize (in some ways, easier than Mambo). It separates 
presentation and logic and uses XML tags.

But it is generic enough to build any sort of content site (blog, help 
pages, wiki, whatever). The admin tools include the ability to create 
your own document types without writing any code. Also, instead of 
having specialized modules for a feature, it has something called hooks 
that allow you to use one module's functions in another. For example, if 
you had a recipe site and wanted to allow visitors to comment on a 
recipe, you could hook the comments module to that publication type. (Im 
probably not doing a good job of explaining this concept but it 
basically means you dont need to write a new module that combines the 
functionality others).

Ive been playing with too many content systems trying to find an ideal, 
but, you know what they say about the right tool for the right job...

Systems Administrator / Developer

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