[nycphp-talk] next challenge

Daniel Krook krook at
Wed Feb 23 11:13:45 EST 2005

> Silly but true story/word of caution:
> If you add a "delete record" button, be sure your admin page is 
> protected with a password and also add a robots.txt. A few years back, I 

> had a unprotected admin page (security through obscurity, heh!). 
> Googlebot found the page (linked from an automated daily web stats page) 

> and proceeded to spider all the [delete] links ultimately wiping out all 

> the records. Luckily I was able to restore from a nightly backup. It was 

> quite embarrasing to be owned by a search engine.

Ha.  I had the same thing happen to me... luckily it was just a prototype 
application though. 

I had cleverly attached JavaScript confirm()'s to the delete links which 
was pretty good at making it a two step process of deletion for users, but 
Google just plowed on through.  :)

Daniel Krook, Advisory IT Specialist - Application Development
WW Web Production Services North 2,
1133 Westchester Avenue, White Plains, NY 10604


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