[nycphp-talk] php bulletin boards

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Mon Jan 3 21:40:55 EST 2005

Jason N.Perkins |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

> On Jan 3, 2005, at 4:58 PM, Steve Manes wrote:
>> Yury Rush wrote:
>>> Hi -- there was an exploit a few weeks ago that affected phpBB  
>>> boards..
>>> thousands were hacked via a worm that found phpBB sites using google's
>>> search..
>> That exploit is actually a bug in PHP's unserialize(), not PHPBB.
>> There are several exploits in 4.3.9 and 5.0.2:
> The Sanity phpBB worm used the phpBB Highlight Vulnerability which 
> has  nothing to do with the unserialize vulnerability. As (only) 
> Derick  Rethans could put it:
> "Everybody who thinks that the Santy.A worm uses one of the security  
> problems addressed in PHP's latest bugfix releases is wrong. It was 
> NOT  due to any bug in PHP, but merely a badly checked input variable 
> which  was passed to preg with the /e modifier. Besides this, phpBB is 
> also  vulnarable for some of the things  address by PHP's new 
> releases. But  they are wrong saying that it is not their fault. 
> Not-checked usage of   serialized data is still their problem. Short 
> version: use FUDforum."
> Original link:  < 
> item=200412241207#200412241207>
> More info at:
> <>
> <>
> <>
> This isn't to chastise Steve - phpBB rushed with the story that it  
> wasn't there fault.
> -- 
> Jason N Perkins
> <>

I posted this on the 22nd of December, although it seemed like the 
highlight patch was removed sometime ater it was originally posted to 
phpBB website (?) :

-=john andrews

Secunia Advisory 12/30/2004: "Almost every single branch of the Microsoft Windows operating system is vulnerable to several new vulnerabilities... no vendor solution is available for these vulnerabilities."

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