[nycphp-talk] user contributed notes on

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Mon Jan 10 16:19:00 EST 2005

Um, can you explain this a bit?  I'm trying to understand what you're 
saying here, but my brain has come up with too many possibilities so I 
think it's just better to ask.

I did notice that if a user wants to attach comments to a blog post, 
the following line precedes the comment form:
"Line and paragraph breaks automatic, e-mail address never displayed, 
HTML allowed"

Is that relevant to your comments?


On Jan 10, 2005, at 4:07 PM, David Mintz wrote:

>> WordPress

> I've gotten the impression from browsing their site that their
> anti-comment-spam approach is still essentially blacklist-based, and 
> that
> you will frequently end up having to play cat and mouse with spammers 
> as
> they develop knew ways of beating they latest thing someone came up 
> with
> to beat them with. Sorry for the poor sentence.

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