[nycphp-talk] [OT] The CMS Dance Redux

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Wed Jan 12 16:49:12 EST 2005

As a Mambo developer I am biased - but can still say in all honesty
nobody can compete feature-for-feature with Plone ( 
The only real needs you have are:

1) you gotta have hardware - the environment is big (think aircraft
carrier) and you will need both reverse proxy servers (I recommend
pound) and a dedicated SMP machine for zope

2) you will need someone with python experience - managing a plone
site is really a no-brainer once you get it installed, but then
someone starts asking about customization, then you get hooked up wth
Archetypes (my favourite feature)...

Those two things handled, it is a VERY powerful environment that will
handle anything they could possibly dream up. I even plugged Zope
hosted on a linux machine directly to a MS SQL server, all with FOSS
goodies (FreeTDS, SQL Relay and some voodoo).

With OpenSourceCMS you can demo just about every single LAMP-based CMS
available, so that should be an afternoon spent wisely. I was drawn to
Mambo over the administration interface, and that opinion is purely
subjective!  To each his own.

I'd like to see your results posted here just for grins, as somebody
seems to ask a similar question once a month.

I'd also like to commend your wisdom in your initial recommendation ;-)

-- Mambo Mitch

On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 16:30:03 -0500, Chris Bielanski <Cbielanski at> wrote:
> Pardon the OT-ness, but I seek professional advice about content Management
> Systems.
> Right now we're looking over the featuresets of three: Mambo, ezPublish, and
> Contribute. This may sound ridiculous but I've been asked to look for a
> commercial product, like Contribute, that we can review to allay the
> concerns that we did not do sufficient research.
> Personally, I'm ready to jam some Mambo up in here and rock on, but it's a
> decision above my head.
> What other commercial CMS systems out there aren't utter hell on the user
> and the admin? First hand experience is preferred but I'll take anecdotes,
> too.
> Thanks,
> Chris Bielanski
> Web Programmer,
> International Trademark Association,
> 1133 Avenue of the Americas, 33rd Floor
> New York, NY 10036
> +1 (212) 642-1745, f: +1 (212) 768-7796
> mailto:cbielanski at,
> INTA -- 125 Years of Excellence
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