[nycphp-talk] SEO Search Engine optimization, Website optimization, PHP talk next week in NYC

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Mon Jan 17 19:25:59 EST 2005

I am locking down the outline of next weeks NYPHP meeting talk on SEO
considerations on LAMP (see htp:// for details).

I am now offering a "last call" to anyone who wants to suggest that some
particular topic get included, or question addressed. 

SEO(SEM, website optimization, ROI, marketing, or whatever you want to call
it today) is so broad and encompasses so much, we'll touch on a small
fraction. I have of course included my favorite topics, and the ones I
think can best highlight/demonstrate the opportunities for PHP.

If anyone would like to sugest anything please post or email to me and I'll
be sure and give it consideration. Also, if you have a website you would
not mind used as an example, send me the URL.

-=john andrews

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