[nycphp-talk] SEO Search Engine optimization, Website optimization, PHP talk next week in NYC

Ophir Prusak prusak at
Mon Jan 17 22:13:56 EST 2005

I know this isn't a PHP related issue, but I'd love to hear a little
about not over doing it. I know google will penalize you if it thinks
you're trying to "spam" it.

On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 19:25:59 -0500, inforequest
<1j0lkq002 at> wrote:
> I am locking down the outline of next weeks NYPHP meeting talk on SEO
> considerations on LAMP (see htp:// for details).
> I am now offering a "last call" to anyone who wants to suggest that some
> particular topic get included, or question addressed.
> SEO(SEM, website optimization, ROI, marketing, or whatever you want to call
> it today) is so broad and encompasses so much, we'll touch on a small
> fraction. I have of course included my favorite topics, and the ones I
> think can best highlight/demonstrate the opportunities for PHP.
> If anyone would like to sugest anything please post or email to me and I'll
> be sure and give it consideration. Also, if you have a website you would
> not mind used as an example, send me the URL.
> -=john andrews
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> New York PHP Talk
> Supporting AMP Technology (Apache/MySQL/PHP)

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