[nycphp-talk] Session problem on virtual host?

Rolan Yang rolan at
Thu Jan 20 02:55:03 EST 2005

Does speakeasy employ clustering or load balancing on their web servers?
If they run multiple machines (with your home directory NFS mounted), 
the sessions data could be written to /tmp on one machine and not the 
other. This would result in your session disappearing if you hit the 
"second" web server and also cause old data to reappear if you were to 
hit the "first"/original one again.  Using the MySQL sessions handler 
would prevent this problem.


Stephen Musgrave wrote:

> List -
> For the most part, this works really well, but from time to time 
> something goes wrong and it feels like the session gets wiped out or a 
> formerly used primary key ID reappears into the session, overwriting 
> the current primary key ID and causes me to overwrite that record in 
> the database.

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