[nycphp-talk] Migration to XAMPP

John Lacey jlacey at
Tue Jan 25 22:07:04 EST 2005

Phil Duffy wrote:
> I currently have PHP/MySQL installed on the following platforms:
>  ~ Windows XP Pro/IIS 5.1/PHP 5.03/MySQL 4.1.4-gamma
>  ~ SuSE Linix 9.0/Apache 2.0/PHP 4.3.3/MySQL 4.0.15
>  I would like to install XAMPP on both the Windows and Linux platforms
>  with these differences:
>  ~ The Linux installation could be replaced if necessary.
>  ~ I need to maintain the existing Windows installation, but create an
>  additional Apache/PHP/MySQL stack.
> What software do I need to de-install before doing an XAMPP
> installation on both platforms?  

First, I'm sure you already appreciate that XAMPP is not "production 
quality" security-wise.  It sounds like you may be using it for 
development from the above platform description, I'm guessing.

Are there special considerations

For Windows:
The nice thing about "installing" XAMPP, is that it's not really 
installed.  On windows, no registry entries are made and Apache and 
MySQL are only installed as services if you invoke the "installservice" 
bat files for each.  If you just use the "start..." bat files, Apache 
and MySQL are stopped when you close the corresponding DOS cmd windows, 
which must be left open while running XAMPP under these circumstances.

So, what that means is that you need to make sure you stop IIS and your 
MySQL 4.1.4-gamma when wanting to run the Apache and MySQL in XAMPP -- 
and vice versa.

If you want to save yourself some work, as well as having the latest 
MySQL, you might consider installing the normal windows MySQL 4.1.9 
(like the 4.1.4-gamma), and just not start the MySQL (4.1.8) packaged 
with XAMPP 1.4.11.  That way, MySQL will serve for both IIS/PHP and 
Apache/PHP and you won't have to start/stop that service.

For Linux:
XAMPP is installed in /opt/lampp.  So, as on windows, you have a 
completely separate AMP stack under XAMPP.  Once again, you just need to 
stop the "normal" Apache and MySQL daemons and start the XAMPP Apache 
and MySQL ones.
But you did indicate that you could just replace those with XAMPP, and 
that's what I'd recommend for a development platform.


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