[nycphp-talk] pear package manager

Hans C. Kaspersetz hans at
Mon Jan 31 14:16:39 EST 2005

I like David Sklar's Essential PHP Tools.  I use it fairly regularly.  I 
am also working my way through PHP 5 Power Programming by Andi Gutmans, 
Stig Bakken and Derick Rethans.  PHP 5 Power Programming is a good 
book.  The first part deals with the differences between PHP 4 and 5.  
Then launches into some good information about OOP and Patterns and 
follows with information about PEAR and other extensions.

Good luck!

Hans Kaspersetz
Cyber X Designs

Mark Withington wrote:

>Thanks.  That did the trick.  On a related note.  Anyone know of a good pear
>primer (in book form) that I can buy for reading on the train/etc?
---  snip ---

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