[nycphp-talk] Re: Consulting work

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Sat Jul 2 18:26:49 EDT 2005

This ethical stance also has a flipside, and here is a real-life example:

I was approached with a project opportunity, and I knew that if we
asked ~$30,000 we could have landed the gig.

We base all our deliverables on Mambo (well we should, we're core
developers LOL), and I knew we could get to market with 80-90% of what
the client needed with off-the-shelf stuff from and so
on, and the whole shebang would take less than a month.

I wager the others bidding on the project were planning on writing a
bunch of code on their own, and as such needed more time and money.

So we ended up bidding $10,000, even when I was confident we could
have asked for three times that amount. And what we deliver will be
equal (or most likely superior) to what the others could have offered
when all is said and done.


Because that is what the work was worth. Just because you can get more
doesn't mean it is justified, nor ethical. And the client will be even
more enthusiastic to recommend us to his peers; and the other people
we are working with on that project are equally enthusiastic to have
us working with them as they want to have us handy for future

It all perpetuates itself - if you give, you receive. There's really
nothing else to it.

Mitch Pirtle
Mambo Core Developer

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