[nycphp-talk] PHP book recommendations by role

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Wed Jun 15 10:32:48 EDT 2005

Daniel Krook wrote:
> * The freelancer with intermediate skill in procedural PHP 4 and MySQL 4.0
> who is looking to strengthen his/her existing technology skillset and to
> smoothly transition to PHP 5 OOP and the mysqli interface.

Upgrading to PHP 5

> * The veteran PHP 4/5 programmer looking to advance his/her understanding
> of UML, OOP, patterns & methodologies.

Advanced PHP Programming

> * The mid-career interface designer with strong XHTML, JavaScript, CSS and
> a dab of ASP/JSP scripting?

Learning PHP 5

Those are my picks - I don't have good suggestions for all of the 
categories. :-)


Chris Shiflett
Brain Bulb, The PHP Consultancy

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