[nycphp-talk] PHP book recommendations by role

Eric K. kigathi at
Sat Jun 18 23:35:37 EDT 2005

> * The traditional C/C++ programmer beginning to develop web applications
> (and possibly begin work with relational databases).
> * The second-year university computer science student looking to develop a
> web application foundation (HTTP, SQL, HTML).
> * The mid-career interface designer with strong XHTML, JavaScript, CSS and
> a dab of ASP/JSP scripting?

I'm surprised no one mentioned it, but I think Chris' HTTP Developer's
Handbook is great for everyone but especialy for these three groups of
developers. It really fills in a lot of gaps about the 'why' of
PHP/HTTP development that a lot of 'how-to' books leave out and that a
lot of us only find out after years of web dev.

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