[nycphp-talk] questions --

Wai Siow rs234 at
Fri Mar 11 22:57:03 EST 2005

Hey Yuri:

First post after joining the list, hi everyone!  And see below:

> On Fri, Mar 11, 2005 at 05:16:12PM -0500, Yury :: heavenspa Web Services
> wrote:
>> I found a inexpensive phpupload script with great functionality.
>> There are a few issues --
>> - since the files are large -- php.ini by default lets you upload 2meg
>> files
>> - uploading such huge files could timeout while uploading..
>> question: is there a way around these 2 issues?
> Yep. You'll need some control over the apache and PHP config.  I've
> gotten similar things working with very large files successfully.  This
> looks like a good guide:

Given you do have access to these settings you can simply change the time,
size, and such... also, I believe the upload size limit can be set from
the script itself, so you can change it there if you don't want to
globally increases the upload size.  As for the upload script, if you
really want to stick with just php, you can always utilize javascript to
create more "file" form fields (similar to gmail's attachment upload if
you have seen it) as necessary in real time. Then you can use that
information to set your upload limit dynamically.

>> next - the client also asked about automating the files to download to
>> his
>> internal computers.. Is there anything out there that could do such a
>> thing?
> You could automate this by running the command line version of Unison
> (file synchronizer) in a script periodically with the Windows Task
> Scheduler or a cron job.  See:

First time I hear about unison, but Andrew's suggestion is definitely the
way to go, either set up a cron job or windows task should do the job, and
you can write the script to do this in any language.

> HTH,
> Andrew
> _______________________________________________
> New York PHP Talk Mailing List
> AMP Technology
> Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

Wai (Raymond) Siow
Web Application Programmer
Web Development Team
Cornell Cooperative Extension

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