[nycphp-talk] search engine suggestion

corey szopinski corey at
Tue Mar 15 16:41:25 EST 2005

Although it¹s not PHP, Atomz has most of the features you¹re looking for.
I¹ve used it a couple of times and have been very happy with it (as happy as
one can be with a search engine, that is). It's a hosted (ASP-style)
service. Point it at your site, tell it how often to index, and then design
the results page. Pretty simple. There's plenty of administrative control
via a web interface, and it'll send a monthly report what it's been up to.


On 3/15/05 4:12 PM, "Wai Siow" <rs234 at> wrote:

> 1. able to index different types of file, incl but not limited to: pdf,
> html, php, doc.
> 2. able to index a database driven site, i.e. site with its content stored
> in a database.
> 3. handle large number of documents (500K?) or no limit.  can merge index
> files during search / after indexing if necessary.
> 4. definitely not as expensive as the google search server, which cost
> somewhere like 25K... we'd probably at most be able to spend 5K on the
> solution.
> 5. config files or a web/gui interface for indexing (but not confusing, i
> consider swish-e not terrible), can be easily integrated into a custom php
> search result page.

Corey Szopinski
Director of Technology

corey at
55 Washington St. Suite 822
Brooklyn, NY 11201
718-797-4470  x116 

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