[nycphp-talk] Learning to use OOP in PHP

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Tue Mar 22 23:47:20 EST 2005

On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 20:24:56 -0500, Brian O'Connor <gatzby3jr at> wrote:
> Hello.
> I've been using PHP for about ~1 year now. 

Welcome to the club! You joined the party right when things started getting hot.

> What I'm
> looking for are some tips on how to use it properly, or some
> recommended books / websites that explain this.

My advice for you at this point would be to read both PHP Anthology
books from Harry Fuecks, published by SitePoint. Harry has some smart
approaches to some of the things you want to address, and manages to
communicate them in a very readable format. He will also explain a lot
behind OO (especially with regards to PHP's OO underpinnings), but is
not silly about OO for everthing as a perfect panacea.

Overall very very good books.

Also reading PHP 5 Power Programming by Gutmans, Bakken and Rethans,
which of course comes from some highly respected members of the PHP
community. Seems to also be a very good book for getting beyond the
'Learning PHP' book realm.

-- Mitch

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