[nycphp-talk] follow-up on someone's question about how Yahoo! handles 302 redirects

csnyder chsnyder at
Fri Mar 25 01:46:07 EST 2005

On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 23:33:57 -0500, inforequest
<1j0lkq002 at> wrote:
> Basically if the 302 is within-site, they either keep the original
> anyway (if it was root) OR (if it was deep within site) keep the new
> target page.
> If the 302 is OFF-SITE, they choose to store the target in the index,
> which eliminates any benefit to 302 redirecting as a form of hijacking.

This seems like a pretty straightforward answer to the problem. 

Why would you want to index the results of a "temporary" move to
another host in the first place? There must be some reason they built
it that way...

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