[nycphp-talk] openssl not being picked up by configure

Tim Gales tgales at
Sun Mar 27 20:54:24 EST 2005

> > So I went with your suggestion to try 
> "--with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl"
> > Thanks a million Hans..
> No problem - happy it worked.
> I'm a little scared that ldconfig reports the other, older 
> lib.  Depending on the build tools you're using, and the 
> version, platform, and more voodoo, what ldconfig reports can 
> count more or less.
> G... N... U... do that voodoo that you do

Funny you should call it voodoo -- 
making some of this stuff still seems rather mystical to me.

And having a 'config.guess' in my directory doesn't do much 
to instill a lot of confidence in my builds. A lot of the 
time, for me, its sort of like 'Wheel of Fortune' building 
( Vanna, is there a 'libxml' directory -- oh! oh! I think I 
can solve the puzzle now ) 

I at least feel a little better when the makefile has a 
'check' or 'test' target I can try...

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology' 


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