[nycphp-talk] MySQL throwing silent warnings?

Chris Bielanski Cbielanski at
Mon Mar 28 13:02:29 EST 2005

This one seems unusual to me. I'm using PHP 4.3.2 with MySQL. 
I'm getting a bomb when I use flush() and mysql_fetch_object().

When I set my server to E_ALL & ~E_WARN & ~E_NOTICE, the operation
completes as expected. The operation is also successful if I use any
WHERE or LIMIT clauses in my SQL query or comment out flush().

However, when I leave E_WARN in the config or use flush(), I get no
output and I can't get the warning to appear in the browser or error

This sounds like mysql_fetch_object() is throwing some kind of warning?
Perhaps akin to "no more rows" or some such?


Chris Bielanski
Web Programmer, 
International Trademark Association,
655 Third Avenue, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10017-5617 USA
+1 (212) 642-1745, f: +1 (212) 768-7796
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