[nycphp-talk] PHP Groupware (sigh)

Hans Zaunere lists at
Mon May 2 23:28:09 EDT 2005

> >I am desperate to find a PHP-based groupware system that I can use.
> >Have taken a look at several demos and just cannot for the life of me
> >find something that ends the pain. Here is what I am looking for:
> >
> >* calendar (shared)
> >* tasks (shared)
> >* email
> >* files/documents (shared)
> >
> >Many do these things, but here is the wrench that I keep throwing in
> >the engine. I want to be able to use external tools to access that
> >data as well, like Thunderbird for email, and Sunbird for the calendar
> >(iCal via ftp is fine with me).
> >
> >Any of you know of a package that will do the external integration part?
> >
> >-- Mitch
> >
> >
> Nope. That's the holy grail, ain't it? Chandler-matic type stuff
> (Basecamp, Salesforce, and you it LAMP with an API, too!)

Ditto... that's why Exchange is king...

Now, there is an "Exchange" that runs on Linux, and actually works quite well.  If your folks are using Outlook, Outlook 2003 doesn't even know the difference.

You might also want to check out Novell - they may be working on something, or have a beta already under SuSE.  I believe there were/are some projects on that attempt similar things, but then you likely won't have the PHP/Web side.


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