[nycphp-talk] Naming conventions?

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Thu May 5 19:42:32 EDT 2005

Daniel Krook |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>>Okay, newbie time again. When I first started with PHP and MySQL I wrote
>>some scripts to do forms and some that would be called to process the
>>forms. I'm now going back and sorting through the mess and trying to
>>come up with a standard naming scheme so I can get a better idea of
>>which script does what.
>>While I'm here I wanted to ask you wiser folks what other naming
>>conventions you might suggest I start using now so I can avoid the pain
>There are no hard and fast rules that I use, with the exception that 
>underscores are a no-no.  I can't stand them in filenames.  Hyphens are 
>the one true way to separate words in URLs. :)
>As for a directory structure which may be related to your question, I use 
>the following structure (sans the application specific directories), 
>though NYPHP Phundamentals has a whole include location how to.
>Daniel Krook, Advisory IT Specialist 
>Application Development, Production Services - Tools,

George suggests (Adv PHP Prog):

- underscores in function names, and suggests always using meaningful 
names for clarity e.g. print_hello{}
- follow Sun JAVA conventions for classes and methods
- always match var names to database fields when they correspond e.g. 
SELECT firstname  -->  $firstname
- be cosistent as possible (whatever you call index vars, always call 
them that; whateveryou call max/min/whatever stick with it)

Other than that he just suggests consistent, readable code.

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