[nycphp-talk] AWStats vs Webalizer

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Mon May 9 17:03:32 EDT 2005

Whatever software you choose, do your homework regarding file permissions before you post it live. You may want the world to know your traffic stats, but if you are in business or responsible for others personal data, I know of no acceptable reason to have your stats acessible on the public internet.

Hint: your web stats are a primary souce of competitive business intelligence.

-=john andrews

flippant, casual and unpolished blog post on this topic went up just yesterday on

-----Original Message-----
	"Mitch Pirtle |nyphp dev/internal group use|" <...>
Sent: May 9, 2005 4:17 PM
To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] AWStats vs Webalizer

On 5/9/05, Peter Sawczynec <psaw at> wrote:
> ....for web log analysis. Comments, evaluations, feedback...

I have migrated all of my sites to AWStats, as I found the
presentation much more attractive and logical, and have also seen
nothing but positive responses from my clients after they switch.

Still looking for full-blown analysis tools, but for your basic usage
reports, AWStats is the better choice IMHO.

-- Mitch

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