[nycphp-talk] AMP on AS400

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Thu May 12 15:01:52 EDT 2005

On 5/12/05, Thomas O'Neill <tommyo at> wrote:
> Hey Guys,
>  I have a client that is currently running a website on an AS400 with
> Websphere.  Has anyone had any experience getting PHP installed and running
> on an AS400. How about MySQL?

Yup, IIRC they (IBM) have an add-on for OS400 that allows you to run a
linux virtual machine, with a data gateway (to DB2) and so on.

>  We are going to build a small portal site for this client with a calender
> and CMS for about 10 users.   Nothing fancy. Do you think it would make more
> sense to put AMP on a new Linux box on their network rather then messing
> with their AS400?

If they are already running their other websites on the AS400, then it
would make sense to keep all the other websites on that machine as
well. The one exception to this idea is that you might want to
introduce an alternative webserving platform, but that should be a
strategic decision on the client's part.

-- Mitch, fighting mightily with ubuntu on the cranky laptop

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