[nycphp-talk] PHP to OBDC / Exchange

Stephen Musgrave stephen at
Fri May 13 10:26:42 EDT 2005

List -

I am in the early stages of researching how to go about connecting to a 
remote OBDC server and an Microsoft Exchange server (likely on two 
different servers) via PHP.  At this point I do not know if the polling 
web server will be running on Unix or Windows.

With the OBDC connection, I would like the option of having a web 
interface to an Access database.  The interface would be used to create 
custom queries for reporting.  Does a product like that exist?  I see 
that there are many interfaces for Microsoft SQL server, but not 
explicitly Access.

With the Microsoft Exchange server, I am thinking of writing a program 
to poll emails from accounts for correspondence logging - nothing 
dramatic.  The PHP native IMAP drivers look like they can handle the 
job - but being unfamiliar with Exchange, is it a given that Exchange 
is always running IMAP?

Thanks for any advice, links, etc.  Your advisement is well appreciated.



	email:	stephen at
	office:  	 917.721.3378
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